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This I believe
This I believe that life is what you make of it because most thing in this are all in the mind. Usually if the people that think their life is sad are truly sad and those people that think that their life is truly happy they thus are truly happy in this is the case for everyone. This is pretty much the truth in every aspect for example think of atime when you were sad ask yourself why were you sad and the answer nine times out of ten are probably guarnteed to be something that is materialistic. Materialistic things are never permanent this is the truth no matter how you look at it. Buildings eventually crumble, plants and animals eventually die, technology eventually gets outdated, books get destroyed, and so on and so forth. Emotions are really the only permanent thing in this world since you can never rid your self of them even if people say they do somewhere inside that emotion is still lingering there. That is what I beilieve to be true about this world and the other truth about this world is that everything cost something.
I invite you to ask yourself, what causes your emotions? I'd be willing to bet my life you can't say your emotions cause themselves, and are therefore caused by something material. Also, material things are by definition, permanent. A building may crumble, but you'll see the materials that once used to be a building.
On a final point lets look at material things in general, what causes them? How do things such as buildings come to be? It is only by the product of man's mind do we get the material things you denounce. Only by man's process of thought are we able to enjoy the luxuries of houses, and food. The idea behind this writing is hypocritical as well. You denounce the materialists, but it is the materialists that gave you this forum to denounce them. It was only by their effort and desire to selfishly see their ideas to fruition (a materialistic fruition) are you allowed to pronounce them 'materialistic', and say it as though it's an insult.
Though your blog did spike my interest, I wondered where you got the fact that nine out of ten times, sadness comes from materialistic items. Sadness at first might appear to come from some material item, but when you really ponder on it, you realize that it comes from the significance of that materialistic item.
Fictional Ex: I was at the mall and I wasn’t able to buy a t-shirt because didn't have enough money. Maybe at first I'm upset because I want the shirt, but really it is what the shirt represents. If I had this shirt, then maybe more popular people would talk to me or I would FINALLY get a compliment on what I wore.
The reason that these materialistic items seem to cause sadness is because of the meanings we give them.
You instantly get noticed if you have Prada, Gucci or some other designer brand name. I think we lose sight that in the end, a shirt is just a shirt or a purse is just a purse. It was designed to serve its purpose and nothing more.
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